Industry News

Hospital Report Manager Explained

What is HRM? Hospital Report Manager (HRM) is a system that allows qualifying clinics using EMR to receive patient reports electronically from participating hospitals and medical facilities. OntarioMD is developing HRM on behalf of eHealth Ontario. HRM replaces the paper reports currently sent to a clinic with an electronic copy. The focus is on providing clinics with easy access to hospital records for their patients. HRM sends electronic Medical Records and Diagnostic Imaging reports from ...
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Medical Ethics and Electronic Medical Records

“But what happens when your physician retires, moves or sells his/her practice? What happens when your electronic health record contains inaccurate information (a misdiagnosis, for example)? What happens when it has gaps (an unrecorded drug allergy)? What happens when a medical practitioner somewhere along the way has made a value judgment (high-maintenance patient, chronic complainer, hypochondriac) that could affect your access to care?” – Carol Goar
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